This article will explore common questions that arise when considering a gift to a charity and non-profit, our hope is at the end of it, you’ll have some tools to evaluate your options and feel more comfortable donating when you’re ready.
Read MoreIt can be overwhelming if you’ve never given to a charity before. How do you choose the right charity? How does giving to charity factor in when it comes time to file taxes? What happens if I give as an individual vs. if I give through my business?
No matter what organization you decide to give to, we hope this article can help you navigate the process with some more certainty so your gift can make the most impact in a way that matters to you.
Read MoreHow much money goes to charity when you donate? How do you know what charity to give your money to? The answer depends upon the organization you are considering giving to and also where you feel your donation can make the impact you’d like to make. One thing that remains true across the spectrum of charities supporting causes or communities you’re interested in is that it requires resources to do the work.
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